Very often death comes suddenly and far from home. In such a moment, when unexpected plans related to the funeral must be prepared away from home, and the hearts of families are torn, it is difficult to talk about the costs of bringing the loved one from abroad. However this matter is just as important as the organization of the entire ceremony and to reduce those expenses, the best practice is to contact the company in the area where the ceremony and funeral will be organized - due to the relatively low costs and easier contact.
How does bringing a deceased person from abroad look like?

First step is to call our Funeral Home at phone number 0048 71 332 60 60 or 0048 506 026 377.

Next, we will take care of all required formalities like permits and internal regulations, to bring Your loved one home as fast as possible.

When sending the deceased back home we use all means of transport currently available. Most often it takes place overland, however, it can occur by the air or sea as well.

Permits and certificates
Many years of experience in organizing complex funeral services, as well as specialization in international transport of bodies was crowned on March 10, 2006 with the receipt of a permit number 06-75-234 for performing funeral services in France. Thanks to this, our company has the ability to provide services in the transport of bodies from all over Europe, including from France to Poland and from Poland to France without the need for engaging intermediaries, which results in a comprehensive service along contact with the deceased's closest family, an individual approach to the client and a significant costs reduction of the service provided. We have at our disposal two Mercedes Vito cars that have the required certificates and inspections in line with French standards and norms. We engage highly qualified employees who speak foreign languages: English, French and German, to simplify completing all formalities abroad.